
Food4Hope is an organization focusing on the most pressing and urgent children’s needs which include food, clothing, school fees and attending to their medical needs. Food4Hope’s vision is seeing the optimal functioning and development of children in need of ‘brain food’.

Our on-going Projects


We aim to provide school children with the necessary nutrition and food to thrive.

To make a donation please do an EFT into the following account. If you would like to donate for a specific cause please let us know when you email us your proof of payment and we will make sure your donation will go to the cause of your choice. All other donations will go to the general cause of the NPC. Our banking details are as follow:

Food 4 Hope NPC

First National Bank Brooklyn

Account Number: 62911618314

Please email us with your details and proof of payment at

Alternatively, please scan the following QR Code to make a donation

Our Affiliates or Regular Sponsors